By: Michael Horoho | Date: 11/27/2024 01:26:14 PM
Hello Everyone!
We have a neighborhood HOA meeting scheduled for all residents of Trailside Woods on Thursday, January 16th, 2025 at the Hazel Dell elementary school cafeteria. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and we have the space until 9:00 PM. You should be able to park in the parking lot in front of the school or simply walk from our neighborhood to the school by accessing the sidewalk off of Timber Trails Court. You will enter the building through the front of the school facing north.
Just like in the past, we will be going over our projected budget for 2025. The budget will determine our annual H.O.A. dues. We would like to anonymously survey everyone to see if there is any interest in increasing our H.O.A. dues to hire outside help with neighborhood projects (i.e. tree trimming). We will not increase H.O.A. dues solely on the results of this survey...this is just to see if there is any interest in hiring outside help for these projects and an estimate of how much everyone would be willing to increase dues to cover these costs.
This is a link to the survey
More to follow as far as other specific agenda items, however, to help expedite the meeting, please email me any questions or issues in advance that you would like to be discussed.